While I regret skipping World Fantasy this year, it has made room for a
perfect Halloween. Rebecca Guay and Matt Mitchell kindly invited us up to Amherst to go trick-or-treating with them, Scott and Teresa Fischer, and various ninjas, witches, mermaids, and three eyed monsters. After the sugary loot was hauled back, it was off to Holly and Theo Black's for a feast Tim Burton would
applaud -- bone silverware, worm and cricket soup, needle injected palette cleansers, and brains for dessert. (For the record: I did not eat the bugs - in fact, I considered myself very brave for just eating around them -- but the
consensus of the table was that crickets taste better than worms. Just so you know.) The best part, however, was sitting around a candle lit room and having the likes of Holly Black, Gavin Grant, Kelley Link, and other storytellers doing what they do best: tell stories. Of a ghostly nature, of course.