Don’t go to the bookstore hungry.

Being an impatient and multitasking New Yorker, I ran into Barnes and Nobel to grab a copy of ImagineFX magazine while my take-away lunch was being prepared. I discovered that being in a bookstore with dropping blood sugar incurs pretty much the same result as being in a grocery store hungry — heavy bags and light pockets.

Without thinking I grabbed Watching the Watchman (Yes, I only just read The Watchman and you know what? All those people that have been telling me its brilliant for the past twenty years, they were right.) The Dark Knight Returns, in a feigned attempt to understand my co-workers better (Don't get your hopes up, Pablo. Adam West is the one only Batman, there shall be no others before him.) Exit Wounds, which I know nothing about except the cover has made me pick it up the last five times I stopped into a bookstore. The aforementioned Imagine FX magazine. And, Harry and David peanut butter pretzels, emmmmm...

Now, back in the office with my head clear and my belly full, I’m in a quandary: What do I read first? I already have Sandman (I know, I know, I am so lame) 2666, and Pretty Monsters in mind. I hate having a “to read” pile. It feels too much like a class reading list. I much rather stumble from book to book....Curses to the gods of impulse buying!

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